Latex slime suit

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Skills / stat modifiers

same benefits as the slime suit, but in this form Violet takes control during the fight, at first you will be the one fighting

then Violet will bound celica and grow her own arms, you can free yourself at this point

when Violet pops her head from the suit you cannot free yourself from the bound state

when Violet reaches the previous stage she will take 2 turns, one to attack, and another to molest Celica

Molesting Celica will restore a bit of HP and MP and also increase the SP bar

this form is useful if the player wants to level items faster while exploring, solarite items take much more sp to level so this is usefull

Note: when Violet pops her head and you are no longer Fighting you cannot leave the area (the button will not be displayed, intead it will be displayed struggle, which is futile), in this form, to move to another area first change Violet form

Obtaining Method

gained when reaching Violet level 7 affection