Captain Ceres

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Captain Ceres

Meeting Conditions

To meet Captain Ceres, follow these steps:

  • 1. Unlock the Ancient Pyramid.
  • 2. Travel to another location and return to the Ancient Celestian Ruins to trigger an event where you meet a woman from the desert town.
  • 3. Go to the Asayuh Main Gate and pass through.
  • 4. Meet the king of the town, who will ask you to get rid of the ghost ship in the port.
  • 5. Equip the Spirit Stone and go to the port.
  • 6. Use Energy Potions and the Magic Hourglass to pass time until midnight.
  • 7. Talk to the ghost pirate who appears, and she will tell you about a magic mirror in the Blacksand Cave to the north. You need Galiene's help to unlock it.
  • 8. Ask Galiene to go monster hunting and return to the Blacksand Cave. An event will trigger, granting you access to the cave.
  • 9. Defeat Captain Ceres on the pirate ship to obtain the Ice Flake.


When Ceres possesses Galiene, she becomes your teammate and adds the ability to summon a ghost sword to Galiene's moveset. This sword fills the third-party slot as long as it remains alive.

Events with Other Characters

Ceres' events are tied to Nel's relationship and require you to bring more people for her ghost crew to possess. As of version 0.64.14, you can bring Faylen.

Increasing Relationship

To increase your relationship with Ceres:

  • 1. Trigger certain events by letting her possess Galiene and fight monsters as your teammate.
  • 2. Visit specific locations, such as the pirate ship and the Garden Caffe.
  • 3. Improve your relationship with Nel.

Relationship Levels

To progress through relationship levels with Ceres, follow these steps:

  • 0 - 0.9: Let Ceres possess Galiene as a teammate and fight monsters (give her 100 coins).
  • 0.9 - 1: Visit the pirate ship, talk to the ghost pirate, and make a deal with Ceres in the captain's cabin.
  • 1 - 1.9: Let Ceres possess Galiene and fight monsters (give her another 100 coins).
  • 1.9 - 2.8: Improve your relationship with Nel to level 9 and talk to her about the Emerald Galleon Pirates.
  • 2.8 - 2.9: Let Ceres possess Galiene and fight monsters.
  • 2.9 - 3: Improve Nel's relationship to level 9.9 and view the spirit training events.
  • 3 - 3.9: Let Ceres possess Galiene and fight monsters.
  • 3.9 - 4: Start Faylen's relationship and bring her to level 1 while Ceres possesses Galiene. Go to the treasure cave and let one of Ceres' crew possess Faylen. Return to your body and ask Nel to take control. Instead of Nel going to explore she will instead tell you to continue with the spirit training and get yourself ejected, Galiene/Ceres will choose this moment to enter Celica’s house, at the end of the event you will meet Valen By this point the quest of getting rid of the ghost ship will be completed, go visit the Asayian throne room for a new event to take place, and then the Treasure cave
  • 4 – 4.9 have Ceres possess Galiene and go fight monsters

As of version 0.66.11, this is as far as Ceres' relationship goes.