Misty Marsh

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Revision as of 23:55, 8 October 2023 by Shadow20 (talk | contribs) (Added image and more information for the event of getting the Dark Nova spellbook)
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Misty Marsh

Entry to Misty Marsh requires players to have explored the Spider Cave at least once, achieved a specific milestone level, and viewed a cutscene with the elves at the Guild. Following these events, a conversation with Bert will unlock this location.

Drop List

Different types of chests in this area contain various items:

  • Normal Chest: Spirell Flower, Alchemite, Blissful Herb
  • Silver Chest: Elf Sage x2
  • Gold Chest: Mithril x1

Note: While the spirel flower will help you to gain anti confusion against the enemies here, they will also put you to sleep, so is recommended to also make an anti sleep potion


During exploration of Misty Marsh, several events can occur:

  • Players can reach the Eleth Elven Enclave.
  • Upon starting quests to obtain the Dark Nova spellbook, players can encounter Miriam again while exploring alone. This requires having previously met Miriam at Fairlily Lake and obtained the Dwarf Crest. Multiple fights await, and it is recommended that players are level 80, have fully upgraded the Arcane Ring, and have equipped Violet with a full-body suit to increase the chance of a second attack.
  • When you get the Mindflayer Ring, you have to equip it and explore here to turn one of the enemies to a white variant, and continue with the quest to get the Dark Nova spellbook, you will need to let this new variant of the enemy attach to yourself and dont remove it, to enter the final stage of the quest to get the Dark Nova spellbook, be warned that you will need to have potions at the ready and will not be able to use Violet for this fight