Town of Magic – Frequently Asked Questions –

Is the game free?

Yes, the game is absolutely 100% free! Get it here!

What is the difference between Patreon and Free Edition?

The Free Edition will always be an older version of the Patreon Edition. Every time I update the game, my Patreons will be the first to receive it.

Can I load a save from a previous version of the game?

Yes. I’ve taken extra measures to ensure that all items and variables are carried over whenever you load a save from a previous game version. Keeping a save at the beginning of each day is also advisable. (As soon as Celica wakes up). If your save does not load, you can attempt to load the autosave taken at the beginning of the day in the Q section.

Where are the game saves stored?

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\\files\saves

When is the next update going to be released?

A new game version is released every 1-2 months. More details on the next release can be found here.

What am I supposed to do next? How do I access new areas and enemies in the game?

The Barkeeper at the tavern will also provide you with general hints on what to do.
Bert, the Guild guard, will inform you of any missions and assignments.
The game is meant for the player to discover the events on their own by exploring the town.
Some events are only available when Celica reaches a certain level. You might need to battle some enemies to level up to see some events.

There is an event in the Guild that plays on level 4, and an event in the Forest that plays on level 6.

There’s also an assignment that Bert gives you at level 9.

How do I meet the ghost in the game?

After you have reached level 9 and defeated the boss in the forest, talk to Bert in the guild, and he will inform you that Evie is at the abandoned house. After talking to her, you’ll need to figure out a way to stay up late and visit the abandoned house after midnight.

You’ll need alchemy to do that. If you don’t know about alchemy, buy the alchemy book from the alchemy shop. You’ll be able to craft energy potions with at least two items. Energy potions need a mushroom from the forest to craft, so get the “treasure finder” from the accessory shop to help you find one. Energy potions will allow you to stay up late and meet the ghost at the abandoned house after midnight.

Talk to Evie the next day, and she will inform you that you’ll need a spirit stone to be able to fight the ghost. The spirit stone is sold at a secret shop next to the guild at night.

Equip it, use an energy potion, and visit the abandoned house after midnight to meet the ghost.

I need more empty bottles in the game. I cannot craft any potions.

Any potions you use will become an empty bottle. You can use the same empty bottle to craft more potions.

What is coming in future updates?

New narrative quests, new events, new sex scenes, new enemies, new spells, new areas, and more relationship content for the various NPCs.

How big will the game be?

I have a lot of plans for many new events. I hope to make this game as big as possible. However, the development of the game requires a lot of my time. Once we have enough support from Patreon, I’ll outsource some development tasks and provide more frequent updates.

My anti-virus is issuing warnings whenever I try to run the game. Is it safe?

Yes, the game is 100% safe. This depends on the sensitivity of your anti-virus. It is a false positive warning and sometimes happens in games developed by the Renpy engine.

The game is fully tested and clean. It has been downloaded over 15,000 times by many users with no issues.

How do I know if I have reached the end of the game?

The Quest Menu shows the total number of events in the game and how many you have already seen. Also, when there are no more events for the current build, a popup message will appear when you talk to the barkeeper in the tavern.

Can’t find your question? Leave a comment below, and we will try to answer it!

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  1. gabe

    anyone can help with fuse hints?

  2. Ronald

    Several Questions: Where do I find asayuh silk in order to buy the belly dancing outfits? How do I gather enough money to buy the witches hat (purse only holds 1000)? Where do I find the sleeping potion to fuze with the beer? How do I get past the elf guarding the trail? Like this game a lot – Well Done!

    • Deimus

      Asayuh Silk is found in silver chests in the Desert region. Make sure to download the latest version for any issues resolved.
      Check rumor with the barkeeper on how to progress the game

  3. Ronald

    I’ve finished all 79 general and all 35 character events. The bartender says I’m finished for this update 0.58.004. I’ve maxed out the relationship bars for 7 of the 8 characters. But the single bar for my relationship with Edgar is still at the bottom. I’ve bought all items and all cloths (except the mispriced witch hat) and have worn them all. I’ve found and maxed all 14 abilities and found all special/rare materials to make potions and upgrade skills. I’m at max LEVEL 70 and Alchemy 100. The health and magic levels are maxed for Celica, Evie, and Galiene. What can I do to increase my relationship with Edgar?

  4. Luis Torres

    User Ronald, at the moment the relationship with Edgar cannot be improved.

  5. fragmentedBrain

    Does the Lamia’s tail ever come into play?

  6. fragmentedBrain

    How to get Violet back from the Demoness?

    • Deimus

      Raise your relationship with the demoness and she will return her.

  7. fragmentedBrain

    Is there any use for the mithril element? I cannot seem to fuse it with the gold treasure finder and there are no other gold items that I have. There isn’t anything at the shops that have gold on them. Except for the pawn shop and Lucan’s shop, the other three shops are empty.

    • Deimus

      Some Silver items can be upgraded to gold if you fuse them with a gold nugget.
      Some gold items can be fused to mithril if you fuse them with mithril.
      However, you must master all the skills of that item before upgrading it.

  8. Anonymous

    When is the next update planned end of march or mid April?

  9. Anonymous

    I don’t know what to do the barkeeper says someone in town forgot to give you a gift and I talked to everyone in town please help.

  10. Opossum

    What do i do with/ give the cat in the park?

    • Deimus

      Fish. But you need to find a way to help the fisherman. Probably you already have what he needs,

  11. Valve Employee

    Is there really only one hat in the game?

  12. Anonymous

    Gotta ask, Is NEl Evil? I kind of enjoyed the idea of a pervy ghost familiar, but its getting to the point where I wonder if this is one of the “bad ends”. “And Nel lived as you disappeard into her subconcious” sort of thing.

    • Deimus

      There will be multiple endings to the game, depending on your choices.
      Nel is not evil; she is fond of Celica and wants to help her. However, she also relishes having to feel alive again.
      Her helping method may get Celica in trouble and situations that may complicate her life more than necessary.

  13. Anonymous

    Hello, Loving the game so far. I have two questions, where do I find silver chunks and where do I get the upgrade for the wallet past 500?

    • Deimus

      Silver can be found in Dimore Cave. The wallet can be upgraded by finding a Turquoise stone in the desert and fusing it with your walllet.

  14. Anonymous

    Hello I love the game but I have 1 question where do I get the elf sage and if I can how and when? Thanks!

    • Deimus

      They are located in various silver chests (in the misty marsh).

      • Anonymous

        Where is misty marsh ? I can’t find it am level 45

        • Deimus

          You need to progress through the main story. Talk to the barkeeper for hints.

  15. Anon

    are you supposed to beat the ghost? Because i beat it first try and i think you werent supposed to do that

  16. Random Person

    Game is good, only request would be to raise the odds of basic alchemite dropping with max luck in the last couple of areas to get at least one every two days, took me a while to figure out I needed to remove all of my luck stats after getting all of the unique loot to get them checked off lol

    • Random Person

      Some way to see your companion’s level outside of battle could also be nice, though that might exist and I just missed it

      • Random Person

        Just read through the comments lol, noticed that there’s a scene I didn’t get where the demoness takes Violet, are there any other missable scenes that aren’t counted in the secret scene tracker?

  17. Anonymous

    The option to remove boots and be barefoot would be awesome

  18. Tops

    I’ve encountered an issue, at some point in the past, I was given an opportunity to go to the desert when I was “ready” I ignored the questline for a bit to grind out slime and ghost relationships a bit. At this point I’m fully lost and unsure what I have to do to visit the desert. Please help, Thanks!

    • Tops

      On second thought, I figured it out, the desert is south of dred valley

  19. Anonymous

    How so o get to the beach? I have the ghost at one and almost 2 bars I have met the groceries shop boy sister in the top of the town I have gotten the fairy dust and I have a wallet of 300 which I also need to upgrade to get the last item I’m shop I’m level 36 and have 2 gold nuggets I also don’t have the lantern part which is the light crystal the only thing I can think off is that I missed some quest from the adventurers guild but it says that I have nothing I also don’t know what to do to train with my fellow mage ( very bad with names but the one that fears going at night to the ghost haunted house) and have all treasure from the slime place and have done the bossfight the bartender just tell me the animal thing and to visit the beach which I don’t have.

    • Anonymous

      Ok so I have found the beach turns out I just had to go down and never noticed ;-; can someone help me with the wallet and the lantern which is not a crystal or any fusing recipes or the item you get after helping the toymaker with the fairy dust

      • Deimus

        There’s a light crystal in the Alchemy shop. You need to fuse it with the lantern found at the beach. Then equip it in the equipment menu before entering the dark cave.
        Also most silver items can be fused with a gold nugget. Read their descriptions for details.

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