Town of Magic – Frequently Asked Questions –

Is the game free?

Yes, the game is absolutely 100% free! Get it here!

What is the difference between Patreon and Free Edition?

The Free Edition will always be an older version of the Patreon Edition. Every time I update the game, my Patreons will be the first to receive it.

Can I load a save from a previous version of the game?

Yes. I’ve taken extra measures to ensure that all items and variables are carried over whenever you load a save from a previous game version. Keeping a save at the beginning of each day is also advisable. (As soon as Celica wakes up). If your save does not load, you can attempt to load the autosave taken at the beginning of the day in the Q section.

Where are the game saves stored?

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\\files\saves

When is the next update going to be released?

A new game version is released every 1-2 months. More details on the next release can be found here.

What am I supposed to do next? How do I access new areas and enemies in the game?

The Barkeeper at the tavern will also provide you with general hints on what to do.
Bert, the Guild guard, will inform you of any missions and assignments.
The game is meant for the player to discover the events on their own by exploring the town.
Some events are only available when Celica reaches a certain level. You might need to battle some enemies to level up to see some events.

There is an event in the Guild that plays on level 4, and an event in the Forest that plays on level 6.

There’s also an assignment that Bert gives you at level 9.

How do I meet the ghost in the game?

After you have reached level 9 and defeated the boss in the forest, talk to Bert in the guild, and he will inform you that Evie is at the abandoned house. After talking to her, you’ll need to figure out a way to stay up late and visit the abandoned house after midnight.

You’ll need alchemy to do that. If you don’t know about alchemy, buy the alchemy book from the alchemy shop. You’ll be able to craft energy potions with at least two items. Energy potions need a mushroom from the forest to craft, so get the “treasure finder” from the accessory shop to help you find one. Energy potions will allow you to stay up late and meet the ghost at the abandoned house after midnight.

Talk to Evie the next day, and she will inform you that you’ll need a spirit stone to be able to fight the ghost. The spirit stone is sold at a secret shop next to the guild at night.

Equip it, use an energy potion, and visit the abandoned house after midnight to meet the ghost.

I need more empty bottles in the game. I cannot craft any potions.

Any potions you use will become an empty bottle. You can use the same empty bottle to craft more potions.

What is coming in future updates?

New narrative quests, new events, new sex scenes, new enemies, new spells, new areas, and more relationship content for the various NPCs.

How big will the game be?

I have a lot of plans for many new events. I hope to make this game as big as possible. However, the development of the game requires a lot of my time. Once we have enough support from Patreon, I’ll outsource some development tasks and provide more frequent updates.

My anti-virus is issuing warnings whenever I try to run the game. Is it safe?

Yes, the game is 100% safe. This depends on the sensitivity of your anti-virus. It is a false positive warning and sometimes happens in games developed by the Renpy engine.

The game is fully tested and clean. It has been downloaded over 15,000 times by many users with no issues.

How do I know if I have reached the end of the game?

The Quest Menu shows the total number of events in the game and how many you have already seen. Also, when there are no more events for the current build, a popup message will appear when you talk to the barkeeper in the tavern.

Can’t find your question? Leave a comment below, and we will try to answer it!

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  1. joe

    how do you get the gold nugget

    • Deimus

      Right now, you can only get it as a legendary treasure in the lake. There will be easier ways to get it in future releases of the game.

      • D3

        can i ues pc save in Android? if yes how?

        • Deimus

          Yes. Copy the saves from the windows to the android save directory.

          Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
          Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic
          Android: Phone\Android\data\\files\saves

          The saves on the android directory may not be accessible unless you connect your phone to the PC.

        • Puppet master

          Hi, I have been enjoying playing your game a lot! Besides the silver and gold chests having an incredibly low encounter rate (even with gold treasure finder at 100%) I have absolutely no complaints! Was just wondering if there was a fusible items list I could take a look at. I have all the basic gear upgraded with gold and mithril ingots, however I’d like to know if there are any additional combinations that aren’t essential. I can’t seem to find any combinations or perhaps I’m just missing a item I haven’t yet come across. I’d be thankful for any additional information.

          • Deimus

            There will be a quest with a dwarf to give you the book of fusions in the library.
            That book in the library gives the complete list of fusions.

          • Dafydd

            How do you get the horny potion

        • Gamebugoy

          Is lvl 80 max? And any tips about snowy mountain, seems like it doesn’t have any story yet. I wanted to get a help also in Selena’s mission, the fortune teller says I must help Miriam but after I help her and discover that place where there’s a warden, she disappear and I can’t find her anymore in the map. And please, anybody knows how to enter that place where that creepy warden lives, above misty marsh, warden doesn’t want me to enter.

          • Deimus

            Level 80 is max.
            For the warden, you need to progress Nel’s story till the point that you can possess others.
            Visit the warden while you are an elf mage and try your magic on him.

      • Anonymous

        lucan’s sister appreciates those who support him financially how i do ?

        • Nubudy

          did u found out how? i am stucked on it too! How to do it? How tf is lucan and where is his sister i can find anything! pls replay if u got a Clue on it..

          • Richard

            buy stuff from the small vendor by the gate.

      • Natz403

        How to find the boss bee in the forest

      • Shamar

        How much does the level 6 boss have I can’t beat him at all

        • Deimus

          Here are some tips:
          – You can choose not to fight the enemy. It will postpone the fight. That way, you can level up and fight him later.
          – You can also equip the arcane ring to make your magic stronger.
          – When fighting the enemy, focus on targeting and damaging the boss, not the smaller slimes.
          – The enemy’s weakness is lightning, so that spell does more damage.
          – You can create magic and health potions and take them with you in battle.

      • Shamar

        Where do you get the charm spell because it says a witch has it but idk what one it is

        • Deimus

          Help Selena’s quests. You need to progress through the main story if they don’t appear.

          • Shamar

            I have some saves past page 14 and i can’t get them back I was level 46 do you have any apps that can help if not then I have to go to my latest save which I was level 12

          • Hunter

            How to beat pirate ship? I’ve beat them in fights 4 times. I’ve purposefully lost and let the captain take galeine or however you spell her name. Nothing is working.

      • Mishu

        How can I get a fish for the black cat?

      • Jjak

        How do I get my money past 500 rn I’m at a lost on how I’m suppose to buy the item that cost more than my current count max(500)

        • Deimus

          There are certain stones found at the desert and waterfall area that you can fuse with your wallet to upgrade it. Also, L sells these stones.

    • Hentai man

      Will the game have a mobile version?

      • Deimus

        The game has an android version on the download page.

      • he

        how do i cheat this game on android?

    • Natz403

      How / conditions to fight the bee boss in the forest

    • Ooomaaaagad

      where can I find elf sage for clothes

      • Deimus

        They are in silver chests in the Misty marsh and oasis areas.

    • Mishu

      How can I get a fish for the black cat?

    • Hugo

      İs there a fusion list somewhere

    • Mr .Prince

      Where I can get update wallet after 500 money?

      • Deimus

        There are stones that can be found in the desert and waterfall areas that can increase your wallet size when fused with a wallet.
        Some of them can be bought on L’s shop.

    • Anonymous

      How to moves saves between two devices? I tried moving a save from my computer to my android device and it didn’t show up in the save slot

    • Arturo

      Cómo se consiguen o desbloquean las demás anotaciones del barco porque es lo único que falta y solo me dice el de la caverna que teletransporte al barco después de la media noche

    • Arturo

      ¿Abra traducción al español?

    • Undead

      Hello, I was wondering how, if at all, I would get a new outfit, like the one in the title screen, and if I can where do I have to go and how far in the progress do I have to be

  2. Jim

    Is it possible to encounter the ghost? I enter the house after midnight, but nothing happens.

    • Deimus

      Yes, you can encounter the ghost. I have added a detailed walkthrough on how to find it in the FAQ.

  3. Justin

    What does the free soul thing do?

    • Justin

      I figured it out, but i wish the ghost could get raped

    • Anonymous

      Vai ter tradução para português?

      • This games need an wiki.

        How can go to next step from bees. I have talked too much times all of npcs and bought all of items (whithout clothes) but I’m now 29lv, I can’t find food for cat can’t so why I can’t see the next episodes

        • Wiggles

          Give the stone slab to the fisherman. He will give you a fish. Give the fish to the cat

          • Nofaru

            how can i explore dimora cave area

  4. Narlicious

    Does having a high enough lewdness let you accept the ghost’s initial offer to possess Celica?

    • Deimus

      No. But I’m sure you’ll find a way to get possessed by the ghost.

      • Narlicious

        I know you can get possessed through the fight, was just wondering if there was a different way to do it, seeing as I haven’t actually seen any event that the lewdness stat can come into play

        • Deimus

          The lewdness is something that will be incorporated more in the future. In fact, the next build has something that is affected by it.

      • Ooomaaaagad

        deimos where can i find elf sage for clothes

        • Deimus

          They are in silver chests in the Misty marsh and oasis areas.

  5. Koen

    When can we enter the cave?

    • Deimus

      You’ll be able to enter the cave from version v0.05.825 and any later version.

      • Noob

        Sir my bar with cap.ceres is not rising after 1.0 even though i went battles with her

      • HELP

        I’m having trouble in the new snow biome how do you unlock the door up there and how do you get the time masheen working?

        • Deimus

          It is related to character events. Get Candy at least level 10. Then visit the Lion temple in the lava lands the next day.

  6. Marty

    How does lewdness affect the game? Do you attract more enemies with it?

    • Deimus

      No, lewdness only affects Celica’s sexual openness. Right now, there is only one hidden event that occurs only with enough lewdness.

  7. Alley

    two questions for ya!

    1 got any social media places we can follow development on/get little sneak peaks etc

    2 will any of these builds give a chance for the large slime boss to spawn in the forest after you reach a certain level but as a normal enemy, one with animations n stuff?

    • Deimus

      We have a discord channel where we discuss issues, suggest new features, or address anything related to the game.
      However, it is available only to Patreons as you need to have the latest build to be up-to-date.

      Some enemies will reappear. As for a new slime enemy, you’ll get one on the next build.

  8. Onyx

    This might just be a stupid question or a place where it’s just me but I am a little stuck.
    1. What do I need to help the fisherman with his chair
    2. Who do I talk to after I get the stone slab?

    • Deimus

      The solution for your first question, lies in the second question.

          • Deimus

            No. Giving the stone tablet to the fisherman is not very obvious, and it is one of the things you have to experiment with to find it. I’ll add more hints in future releases.

    • Halit

      I sold the fairy dust how can I get it back.

  9. Anonymous

    Any chance this will be made compatible for Android?

  10. MilKol

    I already reach the end of the game with all items all skills at the max level. But I still have one hidden event show in the popup task. What is it? I try a lot of stuff but seems like none of them are trigguering it.

  11. Anonymous

    I think the game looks interesting i just have a problem with one thing: Trojan:Script/Oneeva.A!ml

  12. West

    In the latest build I seem to have major framerate issue. Otherwise I love the game! Keep up the good work. Also minor suggestion could her clothes stay off until she returns to town?

  13. Anonymous

    I am very confused in the game. I am at the end game, I got everything, maxed out every skill, every item gold, etc. I am missing 1 event and I checked everything. I got Lewd to 100/100 and all that and I can not find this final event for my life. anyone able to help me? I think it has something to do with Nel has her relationship is 4.9 but I am not sure if it goes into bar 5 yet or not. Any help would be awesome.

      • Self

        What does “let her win” mean? It’s about the slime.

  14. Anonymous

    I seem to be having issues loading a save, after downloading the latest version I moved all my save files over from the old version. Trying to load certain saves will just boot me back to the main menu, any idea how to fix this?

    • Deimus

      Try extracting the game to an empty directory. It is also recommended that you load a save that is made at the beginning of the day. (as soon as Celica wakes up). If you don’t have a save like that, try loading the save that the game makes automatically at the Q section of the loading screen.

  15. loyec33117

    Sorry, I can’t find the last hidden event. I’m 5.9 relationship with Neal and 1.9 with Evie but I didn’t find anything.

    • Shamar

      How much health does the level 6 boss have because I can’t beat him at all

  16. Anonymous

    How to find enchanted thread?

    • Deimus

      They’re located in silver chests. One is at Magma Mounds, one at Darkwoods and 2 at Spider Cave.

  17. Daka

    Is there any petrification content in current version or in plane? thank tou!

  18. Anonymous

    I have 1 hidden event left. I don’t find it. I think that’s an event from the version 0.13.
    I’m max relation with Nel (6.9) and Evie (2.9).
    Someone can help please ?

    • Deimus

      It could be related to the Slime girl. Check your affinities to see who is most lacking.

  19. Anonymous

    It was with the smile girl. Thx.

  20. Anonymous

    Will you ever add any cum animations to some of the enemies? I personally think that would be a nice touch.

    • Mafro

      Hi hi! How do I advance Violets relationship status I have 3 bars and she’s now my clothes, cheers

      • Deimus

        Check the Quests menu if you have events you haven’t seen with her.
        If there are still more events, raise her affinity as much as you can by fighting her.

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